Don’t put all your eggs in one basket / A nest egg


Hello everyone. I’m your host ELITE and my mission is to help you speak English fast and fluently.
In this English lesson, I want to help you learn the English phrase “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.”

This phrase means don’t rely on one source
of money for your life or don’t rely on
one thing in order to have a livelihood.

Here’s a good example:

Jen and I grow flowers and we sell them
at the farmer’s market, but we also sell
them at the road. We have a little roadside-
stand and we have people come to the farm
and buy flowers. We have different ways to
sell our flowers because we don’t want to
put all our eggs in one basket. We don’t
want to rely on just the farmer’s market
in order to make money.

The second phrase, I want to teach
you today is “a nest egg”.

A nest egg is simply an amount of
money that you’ve put away. Sometimes
when you work, you have enough money
to pay your bills and there’s nothing
left over, but sometimes you have
a little bit leftover and you could put
it in an envelope and keep it in your
house or maybe you put it in a savings
account in the bank. We would call that
money that you are saving, “a nest egg”.

It’s just a small amount of money that
you set aside each week or each month
for something you want to buy in the
future or maybe even for retirement or
a time in the future when you know you’ll
need more money.

Anyways, to review. When you say

“Don’t put all your eggs in one basket”,

it means don’t rely on one place or one
thing for all of your income or something else
that you need.

And a nest egg is, of course,

when you put some money away, maybe under
your mattress of your bed … just kidding …
We don’t keep money under our mattress, but
usually it means you have a saving account at
the bank or another place, where you save some

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This phrase means don’t rely on one source of money for your life or don’t rely on one thing in order to have a livelihood.

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